About us

Current events (13th of June 2024): TeeKu is not rehearsing during the summer, see you in the fall!

The world’s best Oulu-based engineering student choir TeeKu was born in the spring 1993. The singers are students and former students of the University of Oulu: approximately half from faculty of technology and half from other faculties.

Our wide repertoire includes, among others, traditional student and drinking songs, lyrically comical songs, and patriotic songs. Some claim that they have heard us sing even Christmas carols.

TeeKu is open for anyone to join, without musical background required. We welcome everyone who loves to sing or wishes to learn to sing, and maybe have some fun while at it. The rehearsals take place on Wednesdays at 6:00 PM in Saalastinsali, Linnanmaa Campus. All you need to do is walk in – we will help you with finding your place, practical matters and the membership application when you realize that this is the place to be. If you already know what to do, please refer to our contact page or get the application here.

If you want us to perform at your event, please contact info at teeku.fi. The special price for the University of Oulu’s student organizations is 175€. For other organizations the special price is 375€. Please place your order preferably three weeks in advance.

For more info, please contact us by email: info at teeku.fi